Sunday, February 10, 2013

Have You Squidoo'ed?

Hi, I’m Sanne, and I am one of the many people who like to write and participate on the website Squidoo.

What is Squidoo, you ask?

Funny name or not, Squidoo is a real online site.  

Squidoo is comprised of people from all around the world.  

Squidoo is also one of the top 10 websites destinations in the world.   

Squidoo is an active online community of folks who write, research and share information on an enormous range of subjects, some of those subjects quite personal.  

If you haven't yet been visited Squidoo, you'll have to give it a try.

What is a Squidoo Lens?

Squidoo articles are called "lenses", but what they're really simply articles on a range of subjects or blog posts.

Writers are free to link their articles to personal websites or blogs and free to show products related to their article.

Earn a Little Cash

Squidoo offers writers a chance to earn a little money on their articles through advertising dollars and affiliate advertising.  

I'll explain how this works in future blog posts.  

Care to Try it Yourself?

You don't have to be a professional writer to join Squidoo.  Just write what you know about.  Tell us about what makes your pet special, write a tribute to your grandparents, or just what's cool about your hometown.  

Then get in there and read others' work, and you'll be surprised how often they'll return and read yours.  

Click on the link below and start writing - and tell them Sanne sent you!

Learn Something New

Squidoo offers something for everyone.  You don't have to write to enjoy the Squidoo site.  Jump in there and learn about people, places, activities, projects, cultures, world recipes, how-to-do's, and many other things all at  one website.

Whether you want to read or write, you're sure to spend a wonderful time at Squidoo learning something new.


Who I Am - My Interests Outside of Squidoo

By profession, I am a Florida cattle rancher and a freelance writer, so you'll see that I write a lot of online articles about Florida.


But I'm also an avid wilderness, animal, and plant lover, a serious foodie, and an advocate for healthy living.  

You'll find my name on articles in many of these fields as well.



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