Sunday, September 1, 2013

Leveling Up in Squidoo Brings You New Tools to Use on Their Website

Level Up on Squidoo!

From the time you join Squidoo, you begin to accumulate points.   

You design the layout of your article.  You publish your article.  Then you go out and promote your article.  

All of these actions help in adding to your point score and your point score is what determines when the lensmaster moves up to the next level.

Take a moment to move your cursor around the top of the Squidoo Dashboard.   

On the top right-hand side of the page next to the Search box, you’ll see your level score listed as something from L1 to L80.  This is the level you’ve attained so far on Squidoo.  This box will also tell you how many points you’ll need to move to the next level. 

As you move from level to level, new tools will be added to your toolbox.  As you look around Squidoo, you’ll see articles set on various backgrounds.  These are themes that will be open to you as you level up.  After gaining experience in the basics, new types of modules will become available.  Once you’ve learned how to promote your articles, the site will allow you to publish more.   

This is what leveling up is about.

To give you an idea of what you can expect, I’m posting a list of some of the levels and what you might find when you “level up”.   The one thing you can expect every time you reach the goal of a higher level is that you will be awarded points for your achievement.  You’re continually building your point score every time you reach your next goal.

Here’s a look at how it works….

Sample Squidoo Levels and What You Obtain for Reaching Them

Level 2

A new theme or two will be made available for you to use when designing your articles.

You’ll gain the opportunity to join in new Quests. 

Level 4

The lensmaster favorite “Amazon Spotlight Module” becomes available to you for use in your work.  Use it wherever you can.  You can even go back, edit your online work to include this module, then update and republish.  Amazon Spotlight lets you showcase a product, then when someone buys it, you receive a royalty. 

Level 5

You now have the ability to add more articles.  Once you’re at level 5, you are allow to publish up to 10 lenses.  You’ll soon be allowed unlimited numbers of lenses…but that’s still ahead.

Level 6

New widgets!  Play around with the new widgets you can use.  You’ll love ‘em!  Sidebar widgets are a favorite.  Black Box widgets are a good way to highlight quotes and other points of interest.  Give them a try!

Level 7

More themes!  Just in time for the holidays!  Add new backgrounds or use them to develop a new lens.

Level 9

Congratulations!  You now have the ability to publish as many good articles as your creativity will allow you!

Level 10

Welcome to the community!  With Level 10 you are given the power to nominate a Squidoo article for the award called Lens of the Day.

Level 11

The Featured Lenses module becomes available.  This is a great way to show off your other Squidoo work or recommend other people’s articles on subjects that relate to your topic.

Level 20

At Level 20 you’ll get your first Lens Rank Turboboost.  Squidoo will ask you to pick a lens and they’ll give it a small boost to help you in ranking.  This is a one lens, one time boost.

Level 25

500 Points and a second Lens Rank Turboboost.  Pick another lens for a one time boost.

Level 40

You receive a free Squid Ad!  Pick a lens and Squidoo will run it as an ad on one of their Topic Pages.

And so on until Level 80…

Higher Level Ranking Gives You More Confidence

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the obvious—that building rank, builds a writer’s prestige on the site.  Squidoo lensmasters gain more confidence and gain a stronger sense of presence as they make their way to Level 80 rank.  This comes, as expected, with time and experience.

So set your goal and build your brand. 

Next time I’ll address how to find people to read and enjoy your work—promoting your lens.

Keep on writing!
