Monday, August 5, 2013

Squidoo’s New Scorecard – A Squidoo Change I Like!

After spending several months disliking so much that Squidoo is changing on their site, I have to admit that I like their new Scorecard.

The Squidoo Scorecard

Scorecard is a new lens rating system that Squidoo algorithms give your article---a little feedback on whether your work ticks all their boxes, so to speak.

Once your article is set up and ready to go, hit "Publish", and the Scorecard will grade your work.   

What you’re looking for, of course, is 100 points out of 100.

If you haven’t reached 100, the Squidoo program will tell you what they don’t like.  

Here’s some examples to will bring your score down:

Your Keyword Density

Have you loaded up your article with keywords to the point of spam?   Squidoo won’t like it.  Correct the density and your score will go up.   You’ll want to check any keywords in titles and subtitles too.

Excessive Amounts of Links

Squidoo no longer allows many links to other articles.  This includes other Squidoo articles!  Try and keep your links to 5 or less.  This includes your profile page links.

Duplicate Tags

Squidoo is now asking that you check your tags for duplicates or near duplicate wording.  Where they used to want all the tags you could creatively come up with, this is no longer the case.  Tags count in keyword density patterns.

Content Quality

Squidoo is looking for good content and they're looking at word count and informative articles.  But even with good content, this sector could be flagged because you’re using excessive CSS (making the article too flashy), your link density is too high, there are links to sites they don’t like, your article is on what they consider to be spam topics, or they feel your work is an overly self-promotional article. 

Squidoo is looking for content that is educational, informative or just plain fun.  You can still sell products, but this type of article should be written as a personal review.  

Is your article long enough?  Do you have enough sub-topics or paragraphs with subtitles?  Check your word count.   These all count towards quality.

When linking to another site, your goal will be to provide good links, not every available link on your subject.  Squidoo’s algorithm is checking word count against the number of links you use.  Make sure you’re not including too many links.  

Make sure you have a Guestbook module.  Social modules are assets on Squidoo.

While Squidoo loves Amazon links and encourages you to use some, they will block you for too many product links.  You can now use only 20.  You’ll be locked for using more than that.

Here’s the Rub

This Scorecard sounds good, doesn’t it!  It sure gives a writer the guidelines he or she needs to do good work.  But here’s the problem.  According to Squidoo, even if your article (lens) has a score of 100 it could still be flagged and locked.

Don't believe me?  Read official statement HERE (last paragraph) and actual long-time user experiences HERE.

Squidoo says its staff reviewers can still lock an article even with a score of 100.  

Why would they do this to you?  The reviewer may feel your article is too stiff or formal, or they may feel it is too much of a shopping lens.  

So in the end, its subjective.  


Well, we can only keep trying.  Right?


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